Funeral of Terence MacSwiney 1921 | Post 1916

Terence McSwinney Funeral Scene by John Lavery - (Crawford Gallery)
Terence McSwinney Funeral Scene by John Lavery - (Crawford Gallery)

John Lavery, an Irish artist, painted the funeral scene, with a beam of sunlight shining on the coffin.

This was painted in London.  The memorial service took place on St. George's Cathedral, Southwark.

Watch the video and see how it compares to the painting

The video captures the coffin leaving St. Georges Cathedral and follows the journey home for funeral and burial in Cork.

We see clear footage of the Tricolour draping the coffin as it leaves the Cathedral in London.  The Irish support is also very evident.

In Your Opinion

  1. Why, in your opinion, has Lavery presented the tricolour coffin as such a small detail of the painting?
  2. What other features does Lavery emphasise in the painting. Can you suggest why he draws so much attention to them?

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