School level

The selection of resources on this page have been provided by teachers and are aimed at supporting the Irish school curriculum. To get a more complete listing of resources and to filter them for your level use Scoilnet's search.

The war - how it started and how it finished

The First World War was the first really global war involving armies from all around the globe.

Origins of World War One Added: 04 Jan 2007 Contributor: Scoilnet Resource type: Primary Source

Document pack from the British National Archives that looks at the German case, the Allied case and other factors that caused the war with the aid of primary documents.

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How it maps to the curriculum


Strand: Later Modern Europe

Strand unit: 2 Int Tensions 1871-1920

Asset type: Online Resource
Language: English
Rights: All rights reserved
Special Needs:

40 Maps that Explain World War 1 Added: 27 Jun 2014 Contributor: Scoilnet Resource type:

Highly visual resource that presents a series of maps and accompanying text to explain WW1. Covers such areas as European alliances in 1914, the unification of Germany, the mobilisation for war, the major battles, technology used in the war, the war outside Europe, consequences of the war.

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How it maps to the curriculum


Strand: Later Modern Europe

Strand unit: 2 Int Tensions 1871-1920

Suggestions for use: Present to class on IWB. Very engaging with lots of points around which to build a class.


Strand: 3. The History of Europe & The Wider World

Strand unit: 4. World War I / World War II

Suggestions for use: Present to class on IWB. Very engaging with lots of points around which to build a class.

Key Skills: Being Creative Literacy

Asset type: Online Resource
Language: English
Collection: Secondary Source
Rights: All rights reserved
Special Needs:

Going a little deeper . . .

Imperial War Museum - Podcasts
Contains a list of podcasts on vaious aspects of the First World War.  Starts with The Shot that Led to War. New podcasts are released monthly. Length of podcasts vary.

Newspapers to follow events as they unfolded
Irish Times Archive (available free through the Schools Broadband Network)
Daily Telegraph (full original version re-published in PDF format from Jan 1 1914 to Dec 31 1918)

UK National Archives
Dedicated site containing excellent podcasts, videos, diaries and searchable databases of records associated with the war. The National Archives also has a teacher's site that is quite focused to classroom needs and contains an excellent Teacher's Notes section.

PBS - The Great War
Excellent descriptions and notes on most aspects of the war. Articles are concise and many link to images and maps. Students will find the timeline useful while the lesson plans are well structured and thought out.

Opinions of Historians
Offers short comments from historians on different aspects of the war.

Ireland and the Great War

Around 200,000 Irish people fought in World War 1. There were thousands of casualties - much more than there were in the War of Independence and the Civil War.

Mr Redmond and the Volunteers Added: 26 Feb 2015 Contributor: Scoilnet Resource type: Primary Source

Irish Times (free within the Schools Broadband Network) report on the speech given by John Redmond to Irish Volunteers in Co Laois in August 1914. In the speech Redmond talks about impending home rule, the need to give a welcome to Ulster unionists and the arming of the Irish Volunteers. The speech is considered to be historically very important.

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How it maps to the curriculum


Strand: Later Modern Ireland

Strand unit: 3 Sovereignty 1912-1949

Suggestions for use: Get students to research the account of Redmond's speech. Consider how it might have been reported if it happened today.

Asset type: Online Resource
Language: English
Collection: Primary Source
Rights: All rights reserved
Special Needs:

Ireland and the Great War Added: 12 Dec 2012 Contributor: Scoilnet Resource type: Game

Online exhibition on Ireland and First World War. Links to many short videos with former Irish-born soldiers recounting their experiences and the horrors of war.

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How it maps to the curriculum


Strand: Later Modern Ireland

Strand unit: 3 Sovereignty 1912-1949

Suggestions for use: This could be used as a topic starter or as a recap activity

Asset type: Online Resource
Language: English
Rights: All rights reserved
Special Needs:

Going a little deeper . . .

Ireland's Memorial Records
Searchable archive of the 49,000 soldiers from the island of Ireland killed during the First World War. Collebarotive project involving Google, In Flanders' Fields Museum and the Department of Foreign Affairs

ABC - Gallipoli
One of the best designed digital resources on WWI although aimed at an Australian audience those following the 10th Irish Division will find it very useful. Eric Bogle's song And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda captures the mood of Australian troops and is considered one of the great anti-war songs.

The Irish commander of the submarine at Gallipoli
Students may be interested in the story of the Australian submarine - commanded by Irishman Lt-Commander Henry Stoker, a cousin of the author Bram Stoker.

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Irish Join up Image
WW1 image
WW1 tank image
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