Inclusion in education is recognised as a basic human right and is the foundation for a more just and equal society. Having a policy and ethos of inclusion in schools ensures that education is provided to children in the context of:
The following is an overview of the supports and resources relating to inclusion;
The SESS provides support to teachers in the form of in-school professional development and individual professional development. They also offer an email and phone support service via (021) 425 4241 or their Contact Us. They also have a number of resources located here.
The Primary Professional Development Service, which has now been subsumed into the PDST, has provided seminars and training in this area in the past. The support materials are still relevant and available.
The NCSE deliver a service through a national network of Special Educational Needs Organisers (SENOs) who liaise with parents and schools and the HSE in providing resources to support children with special educational needs. In 2011 it published Inclusive Education Framework: A guide for schools on the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs.
Scoilnet has developed a number of factsheets (see below) which provide definitions, characteristics of special needs, helpful strategies and related links as a means of supporting teachers in responding to inclusion in education.
Inclusive education is a process that involves the transformation of schools and other centres of learning to cater for all children – including boys and girls, students from ethnic and linguistic minorities, rural populations…
UNESCO, 2009
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