Explore the resources included in this to research for your project
6 resources in this Learning Path
The Great Famine was a disaster that hit Ireland between 1845 and about 1851, causing the deaths of about 1 million people and the flight or emigration of up to 2.5 million more over the course of about six years.
View full descriptionStrand: Eras of Change & Conflict
Strand unit: The Great Famine
Content objective: This resource should enable a child to:
Suggestions for use: Design a project based on the Great Famine using the given headings. You must have at least three facts for each heading. Present your project to the class.
This is a PowerPoint created by Scoilnet about the Famine, its causes and aftermath. The presentation contains images from the art exhibition Coming Home: Art & the Great Hunger.
View full descriptionStrand: Eras of Change & Conflict
Strand unit: The Great Famine
Content objective: This resource should enable a child to:
Strand: 2. The History of Ireland
Strand unit: 7. The Great Famine
Strand: Eras of Change & Conflict
Strand unit: The Great Famine
Content objective: This resource should enable a child to:
A timeline depicting the events leading up to the Great Irish Famine, the time of the Famine and the end of the Famine
View full descriptionStrand: Eras of Change & Conflict
Strand unit: The Great Famine
Content objective: This resource should enable a child to:
Ask about Ireland provides lots of information on the Famine for pupils to use and read to discover more facts about life in olden Ireland.
View full descriptionStrand: Eras of Change & Conflict
Strand unit: The Great Famine
Content objective: This resource should enable a child to:
Suggestions for use: Advice pupils to use this website when researching about the Irish Famine. Pupils can be asked to create a poster/project/ advertisement for olden Ireland to display their research.
This website has a wide variety of information connected with Immigration connecting with Irish immigration following the famine. The first immigrant to arrive on Ellis Island was a 13 year old Irish girl Annie Moore. Lots of videos, pictures, data available here
View full descriptionStrand: Eras of Change & Conflict
Strand unit: The Great Famine
Content objective: This resource should enable a child to:
To register for a Scoilnet Account you will need to have a Teaching Council number and a roll number for your school in Ireland.
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