School level

Crise des migrants Learning Path

By Valérie David-McGonnell

Use these three resources to work on the topic of the migrant crisis with Senior Cycle students. Resources 1 and 2 can be used to create comprehension exercises. The third one contains both a written comprehension and a written expression activity.
3 resources in this Learning Path


Une maison pour accueillir les jeunes migrants (1jour 1actu, April 2016) Added: 25 Aug 2016 Contributor: Valérie David-McGonnell Resource type: Other

Interesting french article with text about a shelter for teenage migrants in Saint-Omer (62). Students will appreciate how this article is current and topical with real life problems being discussed.

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How it maps to the curriculum


Strand: Reading

Strand unit: Immigration

Suggestions for use: Use for a written comprehension activity to work on the topic of migrant crisis.

Asset type: Online Resource
Language: French
Rights: All rights reserved
Special Needs:


Pourquoi les migrants sont-ils bloqués à Calais ? (1jour 1question) Added: 25 Aug 2016 Contributor: Valérie David-McGonnell Resource type: Audio / Video

Short animated video explaining the migrant crisis. The video is in French. Use video on full screen.

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How it maps to the curriculum


Strand: Listening

Strand unit: Society / Culture

Suggestions for use: Use this video for an oral comprehension activity and to spot key words and phrases relating to the migrant crisis.

Asset type: Video
Language: French
Rights: All rights reserved
Special Needs:


Activités écrites à partir d’un texte authentique lié à la crise des migrants (pour la classe de Sixth Year du cycle Senior irlandais)

https://www.scoilnet.ieuploads/resources/18855/18536.pdf Added: 21 Aug 2016 Contributor: Valérie David-McGonnell Resource type: Other

Written comprehension and production activities based on a newspaper article relating to the migrant crisis, for Senior Cycle students. A topical comprehension relating to real life issues - students will appreciate the connection to world problems. (5 Sections)

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How it maps to the curriculum


Strand: Useful Websites

Suggestions for use: Use to introduce the Migrant Crisis topic with Senior Cycle students. Print copies of the resource for each individual student.

Asset type: Document
Language: French
Rights: Attribution-Noncommercial Share Alike Creative Commons
Special Needs:

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