School level

Motivation and Confidence

Motivation and Confidence

Motivation and Confidence is a key domain of Physical Literacy development. It refers to an individual’s enthusiasm for, enjoyment of and self-assurance in adopting physical activity as an integral part of life.

The Motivation Continuum

Amotivation is the complete absence of motivation, extrinsic motivation is stimulated by rewards, while intrinsic motivation is based on enjoyment. To support motivation and confidence the aim should be to help pupils to move towards becoming intrinsically motivated.

The elements central to creating a motivational climate in the physical education (PE) lesson are autonomy, belonging and competence. Autonomy is a perception that behaviour is self-determined and that an element of choice exists in the PE lesson.  Belonging is perceived social connections with peers and the teacher.  Competence is perceived ability to carry out a task effectively.

Developing the physically literate pupil through the lens of motivation and confidence.


There are a variety of different strategies which can be used as building blocks towards a motivated and confident student. These strategies incorporate one or more element of belonging, competence or autonomy. Each student and class will be unique and so different blocks or strategies will be appropriate at different times.

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