School level

Guided Teacher Script

As we come in to this space I invite you to find a space on the floor [if possible have a cushion] and make yourself as comfortable as possible. I invite you to slowly move to lying down on the floor....I invite you to close your eyes now too. If you are not comfortable with closing your eyes look up at the ceiling and focus on one point for the next little while. If you are sitting, focus on something ahead of you.

I invite you now to focus on your breath, and just notice for the next minute or so. As you so in in through the nose and out through the nose, in for a count of one, two, and out on three and four. Focus on the belly/ abdomen as it rises and falls while you breathe, and allow yourself to be in a complete focus on the breath.

I invite you now to imagine we are walking through the countryside today. Walk with me and let’s see what we can find and feel. Let us first of all continue to focus on the breath....breathe in one, two, and out again three, four. Keep concentrating on the breath for a moment or two and notice what is happening inside your body. Allow yourself to ‘be’ and to try and be as still and restful as possible.

We have now arrived at the start of our walk....we set off from the edge of the fence and walk through the first field...what can you see? What can you smell? What can you feel? I can see the gentle swaying of the yellow flowers and long stems as it grows in the field....I get a really strong beautiful smell wafting across the air....I wonder what they are called....Oh yes, now I remember they are called rapeseed. ...such a lovely smell. I can feel the smell travelling up my nose. It makes me twitch. I can nearly taste it. It is lovely. It takes my breath away.... Its ti me now to come back to that breath...breathe in two...and out...three four....what else can I see?

We have reached the end of the field now...I see another interesting place in front of’s a pond...with an overhanging tree around the edge. I see the beautiful hanging flowers and blooms...again I get a different smell...its sweeter this ti me....I see the tree gently swaying in the breeze and the blossom fall off  the tree in to the pond...oh look there is a duck swimming across the pond...and now a row of ducklings following their mother along...its so lovely to watch for a minute....I watch as the ‘mammy duck’ climbs out of the pond and the ducklings follow. Such a sight.

I’m now standing in a fi eld of wheat, swaying around me. The wheat is up beyond my waist and I can feel the wheat up against me......I take a deep breath...and take in the sensations and nature around me.. Its strange to imagine this wheat being turned in to fl our and then used to make bread. Oh, just for a minute!... I now have the smell of bread baking in my head...yum yum!.. I’m thinking now of being in the shop with mum/dad and the sell of fresh bread baking....I’m thinking of my Granny/Nana/Grandma baking for us when we visit.

We continue to walk on and what do I see now...horses. I walk to the fence.... I’m standing in long grass but I want to get a closer look...I reach over the fence and lean on the top... I can see a few horses here; some black and brown. I love that one with the white feet and white stripe on their head....some are sitting on the grass and others are running. I see a foal chasing aft er their mother. I get a strong smell wafting to my nose....the smell of horse manure...oh yuk...that is strong...but I smell fresh cut grass too....oh its lovely to be here....I’m going to take in one last smell and then its time to go from this beautiful place....I walk to the edge of the field and turn round one last time...

I know I can come back to this place in my mind ti me and time again...I am coming back now to my breath....breathe in two...breathe out...three, four. Oh that was such a lovely place to be....

I’m back now here in my own space. Its ti me to go from this place too. Slowly open your eyes and bring yourself back in to the room.

Gerard Farrelly,
Primary Health and Wellbeing Advisor, PDST

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