School level

Guided Teacher Script

Make sure you are sitting with your two hands on your lap and
your two feet on the floor (pause)
Roll your shoulders back and notice the back of your chair touching your back (pause)
Take a deep breath in through your nose and fill your lungs up with new air (pause)
Now, slowly, breathe out that air through your nose. (pause)

You don’t have to think about your breathing anymore now, just let it happen (pause)
You can close your eyes now, or fi nd a spot to look at on the wall or floor of the classroom, but I’m not going to close mine because I need to be able to read the story (pause)

Using your imagination, imagine that you are in your favourite quiet place right now. (pause)
It could be at home, or at school (pause)
It could be in a garden or a park (pause)
It could be somewhere you go to a lot, your minder’s or grandparents’ or aunt’s or uncle’s house, or maybe even a quiet place you went to on holidays. It’s your quiet place and it’s special to you (pause)

It’s warm and peaceful in your quiet place and you notice that your body feels warm and comfy. 

Now imagine that you see something new in your quiet place.  It could be a person or a thing or a photograph (pause)
It could be about something that happened a while ago or something you would like to happen (pause)
See it, in your imagination, with your eyes closed. It is amazing.
It is really brilliant.

As you look at it you feel even happier in your quiet place
(pause for a few moments longer this ti me)...
Take a picture of it with your pretend camera and put the picture in your pocket (pause)

It’s ti me now to leave your quiet place. Take a deep breath in through your nose and fi ll your lungs up with new air (pause)
Now, slowly, breathe out that air through your nose (pause)
Roll your shoulders back and noti ce the back of your chair touching your back (pause)

And when you are ready, open your eyes, take a little stretch, and look at the other children in the class.

Walk Tall,
First Class p. 66

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