School level

Seaside Relaxation

Guided Teacher Script

Find a warm, comfortable place where you can relax and have some quiet ti me alone. If the room is bright, turn down the lights or close the blinds. Lie fl at on your back. Take time to make yourself comfortable. When you are ready close your eyes and still your body. Take a deep breath in and release. Breathe in again, hold and release. Each ti me you breathe in and out feel your body relax. Continue to breathe in and out.

Clench your fists tightly, hold, count to 3 and then relax. Notice how your hands feel. Continue to breathe in and out. Next clench your feet and legs tightly, hold as you silently count to 3 and then relax. Notice how your legs and feet feel. Breathe in and out. Finally tense the muscles all over your body including your face – hold, count to 3 and relax. Notice how your body feels. Breathe in and out.

As you lie there try to imagine that you are on a beautiful beach on a warm sunny day. What do you noti ce? Can you see the blue sky and if you look towards the sea does it look like the water is touching the sky on the horizon? Look towards the bright yellow sun and feel the warmth of the sun on your face and body. What colour is the water? Is it clear blue as it reflects the colour of the sky? Walk towards the sea. Feel the sand as your bare feet touch it. Can you feel the warm loose sand as you walk? As you get closer to the water feel the sand get cooler and more solid where it has been touched by the water. Is the colour of the sand changing as you walk?  Continue to breathe in and out gently as your body relaxes.

Walk along the edge of the water and feel it wash over your feet. Is the water warm or cold? Listen to the sounds around you. What can you hear? Can you hear the gentle lapping of the waves? Can you hear the seagulls as they fly over the sea? Continue to breathe in and out gently and feel your body relax.

Look at the colours around you, feel the water wash over your feet, breathe in the fresh air, smell the sea, listen to the waves, listen to the sea gulls. With each breath you take, feel the warm sun on your skin and continue to relax.

Slowly, start to walk back onto the dry sand. Feel the warmth of the sand under your feet. Look towards the sun as it starts to go down slowly. Start to bring yourself back into your room again. Keep breathing in and out and listen to the sound of the sea and sea gulls as they fade away into the background. You can come back here again. For now start to listen to your breath as you continue to breathe in and out. Notice your body. Raise your arms above your head and stretch your body as your take a deep breath in. Hold and release. When you are ready gently open your eyes. Breathe in and out and look around you. Now you are ready to continue with your day.

Nuala Dalton,
Primary Health and Wellbeing Advisor,

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