School level

World Book Online is a safe, trusted, 21st-century learning environment that is FREE for pupils to use during their remote learning journey. The content spans all class levels and is available 24/7 from any device! Each resource is specifically designed for a given age group, making them the perfect tool to use independently, even at a young age.

Remote Learning Lesson Ideas

The World Book Online platform has four areas to choose from. We have created some sample home-schooling ideas for each area. Choose from Early Learning, Kids, Students, and Advanced by selecting the tab below.


The Early Learning environment within World Book Online could be used by pupils in Infant and Senior Infant Classes.

Pupils who cannot read are able to self-navigate through the learning environment by tactfully utilising the
read-aloud capabilities
embedded within the learning environment. You will be amazed at how quickly pupils adapt to learning independently when they use the Early Learning environment within World Book Online.

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Choose the Early Learning Environment

to begin your remote learning

Enter World Book Online Early Learning

The Kids learning environment within World Book Online could be used with pupils in First to Third Class.

The interactive, image-based navigation within the Kids learning environment helps young learners find information quickly and develop necessary digital literacy skills.

Every article in the Kids learning environment within World Book Online can be read-aloud. Pupils will see each word highlighted as the text is narrated. Pupils can change the read-aloud settings, such as the gender, speed, and accent of the voice, to best meet their needs.

New words? No problem! Pupils can double-click on it and the dictionary definition will pop right up!

English Language Learners can translate any article into over 100 languages!

World Book Logo

Choose the Kids Environment

to begin your remote learning

Enter World Book Online Kids


The Student learning environment within World Book Online could be used by pupils in Fourth to Sixth Class.

Students can use an advanced search option to filter results by reading level, content set, key word or phase. A text-to-speech feature translates text into human-sounding speech and 100+ languages. You can also adjust the text size, view citations, highlight a search term, translate, or define a word.

Additionally, there are videos and 360-degree photographs to allow for virtual field trips. There are maths and science games for students to test their knowledge.

The Student environment also allows collaboration with Google Drive, Google Classroom, and Microsoft OneDrive.



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Choose the Student Environment

to begin your remote learning

Enter World Book Online Student

The Advanced learning environment within World Book Online could be used by students in Junior Cycle, TY and Senior Cycle.

Advanced has many features designed to enhance the research process and enhance global awareness and critical thinking:

  • Pathfinders of pre-generated content sets aid in research and subject matter understanding.
  • A translation feature offers article content in over 100 languages with the click of a button.
  • World Newspapers of more than 400 periodicals from around the globe.
  • The citation builder creates flawless citations in MLA, APA, and Harvard formats.
  • Age-appropriate webquests provide exploratory opportunities on advanced topics.
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Choose the Advanced Environment

to begin your remote learning

Enter World Book Online Advanced

Dive in to history with Timelines! Timelines offer hundreds of pre-generate timelines across eight broad topics. Students can also create their own timelines from scratch, adding events, descriptions, and media.

  • Continents, countries, and regions
  • Literature
  • Notable people
  • Science and technology
  • Sports and games
  • Systems and institutions
  • The Arts
  • World history



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Choose the Timeline Tool

when you are remote learning

Enter World Book Online Timelines

Access the library from your living room!

With access to over 2,500 titles, eBooks are great for all ages and are available 24/7. Students get unlimited, simultaneous access so everyone can read the same book at once.

There are ready-made activities to accompany some of the World Book Online eBooks. Click here to view and download the eBook activities.



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Access the library

from your living room!

Enter World Book Online eBooks
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Registering for a Scoilnet Account – your first step to contributing and sharing

What you need...

To register for a Scoilnet Account you will need to have a Teaching Council number and a roll number for your school in Ireland.

If you already have a Scoilnet Account then you can sign in here.

The benefits...

A Scoilnet account will allow you to upload your resources or weblinks to Scoilnet as well as enabling you to share and add resources to a favourites listing. Users who have a Scoilnet Account will also be able to fully access Scoilnet Maps and Census@School from home.


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