This is a dynamic schools and garden website designed and managed by Dúlra Éireann that will assist teachers, students and gardeners in creating a sustainable environment and combating climate change
Strand: Environ. Awareness & Care
Strand unit: Caring for my locality
Strand: Environ. Awareness & Care
Strand unit: Environmental awareness
Content objective: This resource should enable a child to:
Strand: Environ. Awareness & Care
Strand unit: Environmental awareness
Suggestions for use: This website is an excellent resource for anyone interested in learning about nature, school gardening, sustainability , biodiversity and environmental awareness and care.
To register for a Scoilnet Account you will need to have a Teaching Council number and a roll number for your school in Ireland.
If you already have a Scoilnet Account then you can sign in here.
A Scoilnet account will allow you to upload your resources or weblinks to Scoilnet as well as enabling you to share and add resources to a favourites listing. Users who have a Scoilnet Account will also be able to fully access Scoilnet Maps and Census@School from home.
You need to login before you can add this resource to a Learning Path