A feature of the Gaelic League Movement was the holding of open air concerts called Aeriocht - when Irish dancing, singing and instrumental music were performed in a local field on a wooden stage.
There was to be a large aeriocht held in Coolea but the police threatened to break it up. The location for the aeriocht was changed to a secluded valley. The Ballingeary constables Bennett and Butler were on their way back to Ballingeary when they were ambushed.
The images on the right were from a local Aeriocht and show Tadhg Twomey, Peadar Kearney (composer of Irish National Anthem) Sean O' Hegarty(founder of Irish Volunteers Cork and O/C First Brigade IRA), unknown, Liam Twomey and Lord Mayor Terence McSwiney (founder of Irish Volunteers Cork and O/C First Brigade IRA). Tadgh and Liam took part in the Beal a Ghleanna ambush.