The stories gathered in the 1930's were stored and preserved, eventually finding a home in Duchas at UCD. It is only in the last decade that they have become available to a wider audience through digitisation.
Now in 2016, eighty years after the first project of this kind in Ireland, the information landscape has changed forever. We are now 'digital first'. It is likely that a large proportion of the interviews will be on mobile digital devices. The information gathered can be collated and published online in rapid time. This brings with it responsibility to all engaged with the project to ensure full permissions have been understood and received for anything published.
The Threads Project has been set up to allow content to be added by students and teachers. A teacher can set up groups of students in their account. This provides the students with simple tools to add their content and arrange it in a story format. Students can preview, but they cannot publish. The teacher has the final say, and once the content has been reviewed and sign-off forms checked, the teacher can put the stories live.
Threads has been designed to allow a story consist of
Where a number of school/class groups are working on Threads stories, a teacher can create a collection, and add all the stories to that collection. All of this is easily achievable within the Threads Teacher Dashboard
The objective of the Threads Project is to provide a platform for the storage and display of oral history recorded locally by primary and post-primary students. In the information age that we now live in, teaching students about the importance of describing information (metadata), classifying information and clearing copyright for various purposes is a valubale lesson, and one that they will be faced with on an ongoing basis.
In the immediate future, the plan is to store and display the stories and collections on, however, similar to how the 1930's School's Project was initially stored locally, and finally preserved at National Level, where these oral histories reside in 80 years time is unknown. What is known, is that they hope to capture accounts from around Ireland, that will help preserve our knowledge of our ancestors, culture and heritage for future generations.
As an online first project, transparency is a key factor. Any person interviewed for the project needs to be made aware that the information will be stored and displayed online for use worldwide. A comprehensive consent form is provided for each interviewee, where they will be asked to confirm this understanding and also asked to asign copyright for the use of the information gathered to the Threads project, which resided under the Department of Education.
Here are some thing to bear in mind;