Themepages present a thematic approach to learning and teaching. They are written by Irish-based teachers with links chosen for their usefulness to the selected theme and applicability to the Irish curriculum.
Visual Arts
Develop a physically literate child through the lens of Fundamental Movement Skills with these Move Well, Move Often PDST resources.
A directory listing organisations with educational resources supporting education for sustainable development.
The Scoilnet STEM directory highlights well-known accomplished STEM repositories in Ireland, Europe and Internationally.
Covers information and links on the national literacy and numeracy strategies as well as basic information on special educational needs. The Dates and Festivals calendar is used by teachers seeking to engage students in topical learning.
Anytime, anywhere access to Britannica for students and teachers.
To register for a Scoilnet Account you will need to have a Teaching Council number and a roll number for your school in Ireland.
If you already have a Scoilnet Account then you can sign in here.
A Scoilnet account will allow you to upload your resources or weblinks to Scoilnet as well as enabling you to share and add resources to a favourites listing. Users who have a Scoilnet Account will also be able to fully access Scoilnet Maps and Census@School from home.
You need to login before you can add this resource to a Learning Path